Hello Everyone,
Today, my book ‘Ripping the Veil – Reflections on the Life of A Rod Fisherman’ has been launched by AM Publishers. Sincere thanks to all at AM for their help in making this happen and their ongoing help with publicity. A very big thanks also to all of you who have preordered my book. I know some of you received it today. It should be with others shortly. I hope you enjoy the read! Please leave any comments with me on my website. Any questions and the like and I’ll be pleased to get back to you.
For anyone unfamiliar with the content of my book, it comes under the marketing banner of ‘autobiography and memoir’. It follows my fascination with what lurks beneath the surface of the rivers and lochs of my native Scotland, with a big focus on my experiences and development as a rod fisher of Atlantic salmon, trout and sea trout. It is NOT a book on how to fish! There are loads of useful books of that sort. Rather, it concentrates on the things that made me a fisher, the places I have visited and the people I have met. Angling has a wonderful literature where authors’ enthusiasm for the environment in which they fish and the companionship of the waterside imbues their writing. I hope I may in some modest way have contributed to this great tradition. I suspect that, if you have enjoyed the series ‘Mortimer and Whitehouse, Gone Fishing’, you may find some interest in what I have written in ‘Ripping the Veil’. I love the way in which Mortimer and Whitehouse delve into many of the deeper things in their lives (often in a poignant and reflective manner), as they share each other’s company by the waterside. Whatever, please give my book a try and let me know how you get on with it!
Very best wishes, Jim

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